Hospitals and doctor's offices have long been places where serious issues are addressed. Over the years, many of these buildings have been approached with trepidation by patients and their loved ones. Depression and anxiety have been constant companions for those fearing the worst. Sadly, many staffers in the health care industry work to make lives better and heal those who are hurt or ill. Their work is uplifting and a source of joy with every good patient outcome. There has been a large gap between the emotions of patients and care givers. Art can help to bridge this gap and let patients see hope rather than despair.


Providing Art For Health Care Facilities

Artists need to be aware of their own ability to affect others in new and unique ways, especially since their art needs to be experienced...



Artistic Designs for Hospital Exteriors

Hospitals are large and forbidding institutions where people who are ill must go. They are not generally a place where anyone wants to be, especially...



The Emergency Room And Art

Hospital emergency rooms are for patients who cannot wait for a regular doctor visit. Their injuries are generally extreme and require the full knowledge and...



Art Provides Institutions With Hope

Many people visiting doctors and hospitals do not have life threatening injuries or terminal diseases. The atmosphere of many of these institutions does not reflect...


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